Data Science Association Takes Off to the Second Stage
A tabulated summary of the amendments introduced by the Private Higher Educational Institutions (Amendment) Bill 2017 and their consequences.
Amendment introduced by Bill recognizes flaw in the Private Higher Educational Institutions Act 1996
ESPACT Initiates formation of data science association
Kumar Menon
Bandar Sunway, 15 June 2017
The Excellere to hold a workshop on Machine Learning in Kula Lumpur on 19 January 2017.
International Student Passes – New Rules
MOHE makes changes to course approval procedures
Pathways: Meditations on Sustainable Cultures and Cosmologies in Asia - A New Book by M. Nadarajah.
MAPCU AGM discusses important circulars from MOHE
According to official statistics, there are more than 120 private universities and university colleges in this country. The number of public universities is only a small fraction of that - totalling 20.
Although the public generally baulks at the numbers, there is very little discussion about the private nature of these universities.
Alleviating poverty through quality education is both a challenge and opportunity facing the world today. Education transforms lives and transforms it forever. The recognition of the transformative power of education by policy-makers will definitely achieve genuine change in the world.
Selangor became the second state in Malaysia to recognize the Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary Schools Unified Examination Certificate (UEC).
Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin announced changes to the National Service Training Programme (NSTP) that would substantially alter its purpose and structure.
YB Dato’ Seri Idris Jusoh, Minister of Higher Education will chair a seminar on the recently launched blueprint on higher education. The seminar is entitled, Soaring Upwards: Malaysian Higher Education’.
Recent newspaper reports on the National Service seem to indicate policy changes affecting the way the National Service will be conducted in the future. Under the National Service Act, national service can be imposed on any group of people in the country who are between 16 and 35 years old.