MAPCU's AGM  Discusses New MOHE Circulars

MAPCU's AGM Discusses New MOHE Circulars

Posted on : March 19 2016

The Malaysian Association of Private Colleges and Universities (MAPCU) held its 20th Annual General Meeting today (19/3/16) at the Senate Room of the International Medical University (IMU) in Bukit Jalil.

Matters raised at the meeting included MAPCU's application for a Judicial Review of the Ministry of Higher Education's circular issued in 2012 on the establishment of a centre (EMGS) to process international student visa applications. The matter has been before the court for two years but there has still been no airing of the substantive issues raised in the application for the review. The council explained that whilst the cost of the proceedings and the delays in litigation were matters of concern, the issue that was taken to the court was one that had to be pursued to its completion because of its importance to the private higher education sector as a whole. There was general support for the position taken by the council on the matter.

The AGM also discussed the manner in which MOHE issued circulars that impacted on the operations of the member institutions. There was little attempt at transparency so that changes and innovations were enforced without prior discussion with the institutions. There were also complaints about the short timeframe in which circulars came into force.

MAPCU Council 2015 - 2016

President - Dr Mei Ling Young
Deputy President - Datuk Parmjit Singh
Vice President I - Tan Sri Teo Chiang Liang
Vice President II - Prof. Khong Yoon Loong
Sec. General - Datuk Gan Eng Hong
Deputy Sec-Gen I - Dr Lee Fah Onn

Deputy Sec-Gen II - En. Abu Bakar Jalaluddin
Treasurer - Professor Dr Pradeep Kumar



