“It is one of the most far-sighted, thoughtful, and moving statements I have ever read on what is wrong with the current world system and what is required to set things right."
D. Paul Schafer
Director, World Culture Project
For developing countries, development often means creating imitations of Europe and the US in their forests and rice fields. Development also means increasing consumption to developed nation proportions regardless of its impact on nature and the future of the world. Nadarajah points out that it would take the resources of not one but several worlds to meet these development aspirations.
In his new book, Living Pathways: Meditations on Sustainable Cultures and Cosmologies in Asia ( Penang: Areca Books, 2013; pp 184.) M. Nadarajah, one of Asia’s leading thinkers on the subject, proposes new and alternative thinking to development. He returns to the deeply embedded wisdom of the very people who have been sidelined by unbridled consumption to find new answers to a sustainable development. The book is essential reading for scholars, policy makers and students who are connected in any way with development.
REVIEW in Economic & Political Weekly (EPW) -
"Reclaiming Nature and the Planet for All"
The Book:
Pathways: Meditations on Sustainable Cultures and Cosmologies in Asia
by M Nadarajah; Penang: Areca Books, 2013; pp 184