New Faces in ESPACT

New Faces in ESPACT

Posted on : March 30 2016

ESPACT this month welcomed two new faces to its list of advisors. Emeritus Professors Don McNeil Emeritus and Don Peters bring expertise in two entirely different areas – Don McNeil in statistics and Don Peters in Clinical Legal Education and Alternate Dispute Resolution or ADR. However, despite their different backgrounds, they share a common interest in cross-border collaborations and working with universities in this region.

After 8 years, gaining tenure in Princeton, Don McNeil returned to Australia as Professor of Statistics at Macquarie University. He then helped to set up the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre and visiting Asian universities for IDP. A visit to the Prince of Songkla University in Thailand was the start of a collaboration with Dr Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong that led to the establishment of PhD programs in Epidemiology and Research Methodology. Don is also a very respected Guru to many students from this region who completed their PhDs in Australia.

Both Dons may be contacted through Espact.

Don Peters founded the Virgil Hawkins Family Law and County Mediation Clinic and directed them until taking emeritus status.  As a Senior Fulbright Scholar in 1981, Don helped colleagues at the University of Malaysia develop and teach one of the first clinical legal education courses in South East Asia.  He served as an international clinician in residence elsewhere in the region and other countries, helping start and develop curriculums for clinical legal education programs in Laos, Myanmar, Uganda, and Viet Nam.  Don also is a Florida Supreme Court certified mediator who has taught and consulted on clinical legal education and ADR topics in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ghana, Haiti, India, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Peru, Poland, Taiwan, Thailand, South Africa, Uganda, Uruguay, and Viet Nam, as well as at many law schools in the United States.
